YUKTA is a social media news verification team working under the youth NGO Expectation Walkers to limit the spread of fake news through social media. It simply is a platform to know the truth in this world of fake news. We ensure you what is true and what is untrue.
YUKTA is a social media news verification team working under the youth NGO Expectation Walkers to limit the spread of fake news through social media. It simply is a platform to know the truth in this world of fake news. We ensure you what is true and what is untrue. Living in a society itself imposes some obligations on us. Protecting the interest of public also fall in this category. In Yukta News , mainly two departments.
Verification Department
Editorial Departments
Yukta Verification Teams
1. Government Verification Team
2. Social Verification Team
3. Medical Verification Team
4. Commercial Verification Team
5. Environmental Verification Team
Yukta Editorial Departments
1. Government Editing Team
2. Environmental & Commercial Editing Team
3. Social & Medical Editing Team
Power in Numbers